You’ve planned a great virtual event with the perfect topic and you’re ready to offer it to your audience. Perhaps the goal is to promote your group coaching program. It’s sure to be a hit! But first, you have to let the people know about the value you’re offering. Here are 11 tips on promoting your virtual event so you get full attendance.
Identify Your Perfect Participant.
In the early stages of planning, create a profile for your perfect audience member. Identify who they are and what problems they face so you can help them solve these challenges. A good customer profile will also tell you where to find people who would want to join your virtual event.
Get Your Message Right.
What value is your virtual event offering? Create a message that explains exactly how people will benefit by attending your virtual event. What changes will they see in their lives once they’re done?
Leverage Email Marketing.
Tell your email subscribers about your high-value virtual event with a link where they can sign up. If you don’t have an email list, you should consider building one.
Use Relevant Social Media Channels.
Tell your followers on social media about your virtual event. Mix it into your usual posting schedule and gradually increase content about the virtual event as the big day approaches. Find the best times to post where you get the most engagement from your audience.
Blog About It.
Write blog posts about topics related to your virtual event. You can then tell readers, “If you found this helpful, I’m offering a virtual event…” and give them a link to sign up.
Craft a Compelling Press Release.
Create a press release about your event and share it on press release websites. You can post it on your blog, social media, and website as well.
Create a Dedicated Landing Page.
Create a landing page just for your virtual event. It should include nothing but information about the event along with a sign-up form. You can drive traffic directly there. Put a link with a call-to-action in your social media profiles, blog sidebar, and forum and email signatures.
Consider Paid Advertising.
It might be worth it to spend a little cash on advertising. Social media ads and other online advertising give you the chance to extend your reach to people who otherwise wouldn’t have found you.
Get Guest Presenters.
Find guest presenters to join you for your virtual event. They can share their own unique expertise along with yours. If they’re well-known in their niche, they’ll bring their audience members too.
Get Influencers Talking.
Identify influencers in your niche and reach out to them to promote your virtual event. In exchange, you can do some work for them or offer another incentive. A mention from them to their audience can really boost sign-ups.
Use Testimonials.
Once you hold your first virtual event, seek testimonials from happy participants and use these to promote your next one.
Start planning and promoting your virtual event early. The sooner you start, the more chances you’ll have to get your offer in front of the right people. Also, set goals for how many participants you’d like to see. If you don’t hit these targets, try to find out why and change your promotion mix next time.
Download our Group Coaching and Virtual Event Promotion tool. Learn how to create and promote impactful virtual events that fill your group coaching and hybrid-model programs. Create your own group coaching program from scratch with this free checklist and learn how to amp up your LinkedIn lead generation!