In order to be successful with marketing, it is important to bring the right people into the conversation. It is not unusual to witness a regrettable or embarrassing brand promotion and wonder “How did that get the green light?” Examples of this can be cultural elements being adopted in a “modern” popular trend or the […]
Would you like to find out how to get more discovery calls from your past virtual event?
In the digital age, it’s never been easier to create virtual events and experiences. From online courses to webinars, there are so many ways you can reach your target audience without needing to leave the office. While virtual events are often thought of as a cheaper alternative to in-person conferences or events, they have their […]
Consumers are inundated with marketing messages every day. A constant barrage of videos, images, and text promise solutions to every possible problem. The result? An audience primed for decision fatigue. And a frustrated, confused reader is far less likely to become a paying client. So, what’s the solution? Your call-to-action (CTA) button should be direct, […]
There are probably a thousand marketing strategies you could employ at any given time. They come in all shapes and sizes. All you need to do is pick one and get started. But before you do, it’s important to have a strong foundation underlying your marketing. This is the basis on which your ultimate success […]
You’ve planned a great virtual event with the perfect topic and you’re ready to offer it to your audience. Perhaps the goal is to promote your group coaching program. It’s sure to be a hit! But first, you have to let the people know about the value you’re offering. Here are 11 tips on promoting […]
Of all the things that I’ve implemented in my life and business… There’s really one thing that’s made the biggest difference for me. When it comes to reaching new heights in business, what got you here, truly won’t get you to where you want to go. When I got into a good rhythm with my […]
Know Your Business, Understand Your Vision, and Articulate It A Strategic Plan is a blueprint of a company’s vision, mission, and objectives. The most comprehensive ones offer a detailed plan of execution, and include quantifiable, measurable metrics for conversion and evaluating and assessing growth and progress. In order to accurately plan for the future of […]